Decap: Deprivileging Programs by Reducing Their Capabilities

About Decap

While you can find a more complete and thorough description of how Decap works by reading our paper, we have summarized some of the most important points in this section. Read more...

Step by Step Guide

This section shows the step by step guide for running Decap to generate capability profile of setuid binaries. Read more...

Academic Publication

Please use the following citation for Decap.

title = {Decap: Deprivileging Programs by Reducing Their Capabilities}, 
author = {Hasan, Md Mehedi and Ghavamnia, Seyedhamed and Polychronakis, Michalis}, 
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Attacks,
    Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID)}, 
year = {2022} 